Hello friends, I wanted to write this article a long time ago. I receive many emails that people even know what they have to do to make their lives better, but confess do not have discipline and persistence that they reap the fruits of their efforts. I don’t want to spend here an idea that I am the most disciplined person in the world. Far from it. There are days that it seems that things were not cooperating. But I immediately learned my profession, discipline and persistence are two fundamental characteristics for anyone to succeed in almost any area of life. Suppose that you need to lose weight. You know that you have to exercise and have a healthy and balanced diet.
Mean, you know what you have to do! If you exercise and eat better, you will achieve your goals. It seems so easy, it’s not really? But because it is so difficult in practice? Do if we know what to do and how to do, because the vast majority don’t get to have results? Due to the lack of self-discipline and persistence. Just by giving up very quickly.I would list some points that you should keep in mind to change areas of your life that you know that you need to change a coup. Learn more about articles and monographs. If you would like then develop self-discipline and persistence? 1.
Let the emotions of side. The emotion is the worst enemy of self-discipline. You don’t need to feel something different to start to improve your diet, talk more with your wife or husband, fix that wardrobe messy, make a physical activity, etc. You have to do and point. Decide to do. Decide to change.If deciding to do exercises every day, for example, it doesn’t matter if you fought with someone in your family, you’re upset by something, or to pass that filmed on TV.