Month: April 2017

Poor Fellows

Obliged Gentleman, because I was not assaulted nor died today, while vi in the TV hundreds of people dying today unjustly. Obliged Gentleman, because still I have a house pr to live, while many had been poured today by sentence. Obliged Gentleman, because still he has big cookies in my table pr to eat, whereas nor this the beggar who passes in the house front has. Obliged Gentleman because still I can catch a cup with the hands, while vi today a woman who could not move the arms nor catch its baby in the col. Obliged Gentleman because I can walk, not knowing exactly right pr where to go, whereas the deficient physicists are in the made unusable chairs of wheels. Obliged Gentleman for making me to be ridicularizado by another driver who closed me and I aguentei, because it was armed and ready to shoot. Obliged Gentleman for having suffered bullying when she was child and to have horrible traumas because of this, whereas those oppressed that me receive the fire from the hell. Obliged Gentleman for all these disasters that pass in the TV to reach not yet me, whereas the pain I cry and it of that we see in the TV not in them they affect. I thank, finally, the Mr., for having given us as many illnesses, so that in our convalescimento let us have a light of the reason this everything occurs, and same that do not obtain to understand the reasons, That at least, in our death, pains cease.


The day of love should be celebrated not only on the day of Valentin. It must be also not always expensive gifts. With a romantic dinner, couples can seduce your sweetheart or loved ones at the Valentin’s day or any other day in the year. The eismann frozen foods store, lots of tasty ideas, as the romantic gourmet dinner can be hearty and lovingly designed can be found for this. “Because: love goes through the stomach.” Iceman offers in a wide range of fine frozen foods from the hobby cooks and lovers can assemble the ingredients for your menu. In the eismannshop, but also recipes and suggestions are to try out perhaps new.

Without shopping stress is simply ordered in the online shop and the goods through an Eismann spot comfortably home delivered. The dinner alone way to prepare and enjoy it to the fullest, from starters to dessert. Special occasion – special appetizer for an atmospheric entry, we recommend a special appetizer. Soups and salads are popular here. One Soup creation of a special kind, can be found in the lobster Bisque from Iceman, with delicate lobster meat. She is deliciously flavored with wine and cognac and whets the appetite for more as a starter.

The hearty main dish lovingly prepared the main dish presents itself seductive tasty: delicately cooked chicken filet tips, particularly juicy and already seasoned, perfectly suited to the wonderful cream and mushroom risotto. The risotto is delicious mushrooms, Nameko, noble white wine and olive oil with truffle flavor. A dessert to the melt the fine delicacy to the final creations of Ecstasy can be found in the ice. The ice range contains many fine delicacies, the every gourmet’s heart to the melt brings. Lovely, fruity raspberry Strawberry sorbet, melts in your mouth and a happy smile on the lips of loved ones or the loved one. Suggestions for romantic dinner ideas, or already finished menus, can be found in the frozen food shop by Iceman on Here order online the desired food gourmet friends. The new Ecstasy catalogue is now available free and loads to the Browse in the new and proven offerings of Ecstasy a. Contact information: eismann frozen Home Service GmbH Seibelstrasse 36 D-40822 Mettmann phone: + 49 21 04 21 90 E-Mail: Web: about Ecstasy: the Iceman is frozen Home Service GmbH since its inception in 1974 for quality and absolute customer service. With a wide range of premium quality food, frozen home service eismann supplies regularly over 2.5 million customers throughout Europe. Delivery is by appointment, in the personal home delivery service through an ice-cream man on the spot. A regularly-updated catalog available can be selected from the rich assortment is available to customers. In addition to the regular visits of the Iceman can also conveniently by telephone on 01805 23 11 22 or ordered on the Internet at be. Headquarters of the premium service provider is Mettmann.

Eliminating Abdominal Fat

The problem of the located fat is much more common than people it imagines. He is not strange to observe bodies of people who absolutely do not show obesity signs, and which nevertheless they own acmulos of fat in specific zones (abdomen, neck, thighs, part inferior of the arms, etc.). Our body has a concrete way to consume the energy that we provided to him with the food and to store the one that nonburning fire in the form of fats. Therefore there are different groups from physical constitutions according to manage the energy that consume and the one of reserve. Each group is somatotipo.

In the present society (because in the past not always it has been thus) somatotipo that burning fire the fat in plispls, does not store anything and is perfectly musculado and defined, it is the ideal canon. But we are not deceived: The majority of the society is composed by mixed somatotipos that process the energy of chaotic way and the sedentary life nonaid much to that the metabolism puts the batteries. In the masculine the most conflicting zone as far as the elimination of fat is the abdominal wall. And now, the good news: odo this explains how to eliminate the abdominal fat. Your abdominal ones exist underneath the fat. You will not see them until you do not make it disappear: A poor fat diet, rich in proteins, but mainly watched as far as amounts, combined with the exercise, will build the miracle. It is necessary to have a little patience because the accumulated fat disappears first of the last site where it settled, and the abdominal one usually is especially rebellious.

But it is possible to begin to see how gradually eliminate the abdominal fat as of the 28 days. If you follow with this discipline that as soon as it supposes a small initial effort, you will have abdominal noticeable ones before the summer! Because they always were there. I have found a program to develop an abdomen marked for any person who wants to see results in 21 days. This program this designed so that you can begin to burn fat and to lose weight faster than you think that it is possible. You can learn more Here clicking. Original author and source of the article.

Yves Saint Laurent

The FASHION DE Yves Saint Laurent Claude CristinGuaitolini SUMMARY This study presents the life and the style of the Yves Saint Laurent Frenchman. Mark YSL, if became world-wide known in the world of the fashion, in 1966, with the creation of ' ' Le Smoking' ' , smoking feminine, with transparent blouse and masculine pants, revolutionizing the form of as the women if would dress from there for ahead. In 1976, it took to passarela a referenciada memorable collection until the current days. Words key: style; fashion; YSL; reference. INTRODUCTION This text brings a quarrel on the fashion and the style created by Yves Saint Laurent, in 50 years and its trajectory of success in this universe. It is impossible to speak in style, without citing the undisputed importance of this French estilista for the world of the fashion. This estilista was the main incentivador of prt–porter (soon to dress), that in years 60 it popularized the clothes, that before were shown only in parades of high sewing.

He was creative of important parts for feminine clothes, with ' ' Le Smoking' ' , it invented look Safri. It also created parts inspired by workmanships of plastic artists of the time, also signing figurinos for the theater and cinema, everything in search of a new freedom to the women. Its style remains until today, having influence and being reference for many creations in the world of the fashion. Yves Saint Laurent – the GENIUS OF the CENTURY Yves Henry Donat Mathieu-Saint Laurent, was born in Oran, in Algeria, north of Africa in 1 of August of 1936. To the 17 years, already in France, where he studied, it won a competition promoted for the International Wool Secretariat. With this triumph, a portflio with wonderful drawings and the indication of the director of the magazine CIRCULATE, were valid it to it possibility to work with appraised Christian Dior, this at the beginning of the decade of 1950.