“Fair focusing on sustainable building” the RENEXPO has provided a platform for energy efficiency in construction and renovation created, that with modern building culture grapples. Therefore the energy fair is 2012 the EnergiePlusGebaude increasingly into focus both the exhibition and the accompanying expert forums. Exhibition focal points are a components of sustainable architecture such as thermal insulation, ecological building materials, timber construction, energy efficiency in heating, cooling and ventilation on the other. Well-known companies such as ABG / construction show latest products and technologies for thermal insulation Boldt consulting & partner, the Bavarian State Office for environment, solid-wood walls development GmbH, STEICO SE or Wolf-Thermomodule GmbH in the RENEXPO. A ventilation system with heat recovery is standard in modern, efficient building concepts such as the passive house or the EnergiePlusGebaude. A ventilation concept should be created immediately with in the renovation of old buildings. The RENEXPO offers therefore a comprehensive market overview of the latest technological developments in the field of ventilation for residential and Non-residential buildings. Exhibitors such as bluMartin, eco – house technology of inVENTer GmbH, PAUL heat recovery GmbH, tecalor GmbH, Vaillant Germany GmbH & co. In a question-answer forum Professor Roy Taylor was the first to reply.

KG, Viessmann Germany GmbH or Zehnder GmbH Comfosystems present efficient ventilation techniques on the RENEXPO. Another focus of the RENEXPO is the topic of services related to planning, consulting, promotion and research. The vintage day informs visitors in a free lecture series on procedure and possible measures, including programmes for the refurbishment. Speakers are independent energy Adviser of BAYERNenergie e.V. Of course, the RENEXPO trade fair visitors also benefit from the practical and theoretical knowledge of the German Arbeitskreis old renewal e.V.

(BAKA). In the accompanying congresses the RENEXPO, selected experts present promising innovations, trends, latest technologies and practical solutions success. A solution for the progress of the energy revolution in the field of Energy-efficient construction and sanitation, for example, so-called EnergiePlusGebaude can represent: the energy needed for heating or hot water is in the or even produced at the House, mostly by solar systems. Building can provide then other buildings with excess energy, which are dependent on a supply. What has it with the development of EnergiePlusGebauden and looks like the future, explains to the 27.09.2012 in the “1st Workshop EnergiePlusHaus” within the framework of the RENEXPO. Alternative definitions and concepts for the planning of EnergiePlusGebauden are here for discussion. A further focus is on innovative technologies and projects realised. Solar systems on listed buildings, thermal insulation for historical facades? -Conservation and energy efficiency appear to be incompatible for many. In fact requires the refurbishment of listed buildings much tact and expertise; Standard solutions are here out of place. Successful examples of successful sanierter However, monuments show that’s worth the effort. In the framework of the “Congress refurbishment of listed buildings” at the 28.09.2012 in Augsburg, preservationists and construction experts report of implemented projects, regulatory requirements and appropriate products. What topics will be discussed currently and what building materials, techniques, and technologies in architecture, construction and renovation, now and in the future be used, furthermore informed the RENEXPO in Augsburg by 27 to 30.09.2012. The international energy fair information exhibition, Congress and technical programme on the issues of renewable generation, intelligent distribution and efficient use of energy.