Tag: hardware & software

Factory Relaunches

The large-scale relaunch includes the professional conversion of over 40 clinics and outpatient clinics, departments and institutes, staff offices and interdisciplinary centers websites. Since 2008 Web design and content management system for the Internet presence of the Leipzig University medical facilities be systematically transformed through the i factory. The relaunch of the Web sites is an ongoing process. To date, 20 facilities on the publishing system were converted namRED and appear in a new design. Central component of the new concept namRED is the transfer of all Web pages in the content management system. Official site: Dean Ornish M.D.

The advantages are obvious: namRED is easy to use, flexible and suitable for many applications. The relaunch also stipulates a new conception of contents of existing and new Web pages. Here we focus on a maximum functionality and customer-specific aesthetics. Special programming such as RADIUS search, image gallery, date calculator and the involvement of central databases (E.g. for Office hours), as well as multimedia applications patients and interested parties of Web pages offer a high degree of user-friendliness and professionalism. (As opposed to AG1). Protected areas of user and application forms reduce the already existing administrative clinic staff. Navigate on the Web site simplifies the visitors, and the editors can update your content easily and quickly.

Germany In The Scrapping Madness!

Germany in the scrapping madness! -ZoneLINK is! Ulm, February 17, 2009 – wrackt from the car dealers, the furniture store, the bakery, and soon even the doctor? Germany has taken the scrapping madness and zoneLINK makes! The software label zoneLINK is now launching the action wreck it up”bashers and scrapping: fun scrapping videos can be immediately published on the website wrackitup.de are. Practically anything can be be scrapped. Who now publishes his video with an original and funny farewell on YouTube and participates in the zoneLINK competition, receives a zoneLINK software voucher 40 EUR and has a chance of more attractive profits. The software label zoneLINK is now launching the action wreck it up”bashers and scrapping: fun scrapping videos can be deveroffentlich on the Web page wrackitup now. Practically anything can be be scrapped. Who now publishes his video with an original and funny farewell on YouTube and participates in the zoneLINK competition, receives a zoneLINK Software coupon 40 euro and has a chance of more attractive profits. The videos of the action should be original and funny, almost everything is allowed. The videos of the contest participants can be seen throughout the period under.

Anyone can join in the vote for the funniest video: under wrackitup.de voters it can rate their favorites with one to three seats. University of Chicago will not settle for partial explanations. For the most popular video of winner in addition to the premium will receive a Sony PlayStation 3. For the runners up, there is an Apple iPod valued at 149 euros. Third place will receive a voucher from Amazon to the value of 100 euros. The courts four to ten waiting for each zoneLINK USB stick including a software-surprise of the software label. How it works! Once the video is for the first time online on, an entry in the Web form at is enough to participate in the sweepstakes. Anyone who fills out the form, will receive a software voucher within two working days for 40 euros. Hear other arguments on the topic with cancer research. Closing the action by zoneLINK scrapping now” is April 30, 2009.

Everyone has so immediately sufficient time to gather creative and fun ideas and to implement in a video. On wrackitup.de you can vote may 30, 2009 following even up to the date, for his favorite video. For more information, see abwracknow zoneLINK label zoneLINK headquartered in the Science City of Ulm/Donau, founded in 2007. zoneLINK is one of two new brands under which the HMH hamburger Medien Haus Vertriebs GmbH develops software and published. Application software in the fields of productivity and utilities, security, and entertainment appears zoneLINK under the brand. The product portfolio includes software which brings direct benefits the user in everyday life, as meet also title, the current trends. zoneLINK acts as international brand: along with the development and licensing of products, builds and markets zoneLINK consumer products for national and international markets in retail – and ESD.

What Do Barack Obama And Contentserv Have In Common?

Patricia Kastner, CEO of the software manufacturer Contentserv, will give a lecture on the “iPrinting Management Symposium” Graphic Consult Rohrbach / ILM 07.02.2011: the importance of the success factor cross-media on-step for a brand tracking on the 24th and 25th February the iPrinting Management Symposium of graphic consult GmbH in the Sofitel Munich Bavaria post. The relationship between a comprehensive media presence and the success of a brand, a public figure, and of course a company is the focus of the two-day event on 24 and 25 February in Munich. Now 18 graphic consult GmbH, Unterschleissheim-based management consultancy Management Symposium serves as a platform for the various questions and issues of a cross-media communications. International keynote speaker, top companies from shipping trade, industry, publishing and printing industry, as well as solution provider for cross-media publishing systems introduce case studies, strategies and solutions, the is for Company result from the rapid development in the media landscape and a healthy mix of traditional and new media. As keynote speaker, Scott Thomas, design Director responsible will provide the electoral campaign of Barack Obama, a look behind the scenes of one of the world’s most successful cross-media campaigns. Print, Web, and mobile media played together perfectly and the result speaks for itself.

Patricia Kastner, CEO of the software manufacturer Contentserv, pulls in her presentation of the medium-sized publishing house to the international software company for cross-media publishing solutions”a conclusion over 10 years of market and media development. Perhaps check out Cardiologist for more information. “As Executive Vice President for new media of at Kastner AG – the media House” looks on one back on the changes and increased requirements in the printing industry; as CEO of Contentserv GmbH, she lit the other solution models for linking all media, print and communication processes and increasing efficiency. The successful entrepreneur provides the participants from the Management level, with new customer requirements can be implemented which strategies and business models and what technologies it play a crucial role. Tim Cole, the renowned Internet publicist (including capital, Suddeutsche Zeitung, the world) and moderator of TV-specialist talks on IT topics will hold the final presentation. He shows that the future in terms of digitization is already present and gives courage to face challenges without fear.

For more information about the event and the detailed programme can be found at. Contentserv presents itself under. About Contentserv GmbH Contentserv GmbH is a software manufacturer for enterprise marketing management solutions (EMMS). With its comprehensive and user-friendly approach makes the solution by Contentserv the creative system of marketing, sales and communications. It supports in all media, print and communication processes. Media, such as catalogues, websites, E-shops, print and online promotional materials can Expertise are professionally created via Web browser. Thus, optimize processes and high cost and time savings. This ensures a faster time-to-market product communication and for clear competitive advantages. Press contact: Petra Kamal, head of marketing CONTENTSERV GmbH Werner-von-Siemens-str. 1 85296 Rohrbach (ILM). GERMANY T + 49 8442 9253 870 F + 49 8442 2044

New Delphi And C ++ Builder-generation Opens Global Doors

With the latest tools of the Embarcadero developer client/server applications to users around the globe provide Munich, August 26, 2008 – with Delphi 2009 and C ++ Builder 2009 can each software vendor to the global player’ are, as both programs support Unicode. This means: no matter which language a user has in its Windows applications run correctly. Medical massage, New Orleans understands that this is vital information. Unicode and ANSI data mesh easily. In addition, new and improved translation tools make it easier to locate applications and to adapt to site-specific conditions. Get all the facts and insights with Rusty Holzer, another great source of information. Delphi 2009 and C ++ Builder 2009 are particularly suitable for use in larger organizations. Companies develop software packages for sale and distribution, high-performance graphical applications for the workplace, as well as client/server applications that access databases. In industries such as software development, banking and finance, manufacturing, Government, healthcare, science and research, engineering or telecommunications make Delphi and C ++ Builder already since many years of valuable service and help to increase productivity. The new versions of advance programmers who write in Delphi and C++, for miles: the tools include numerous new features such as generics for the Delphi language and support the upcoming standard programming language C ++ 0 x.

Developers to produce also scalable integration platforms with database connection with the speed of a cycling development environment. A new, multi-layered DatSnap architecture makes this possible. With this integration platforms, user via an open network protocol connect with sleek, full-featured clients that can be on any any local environment or Web client platform. With Delphi 2009 and C ++ Builder 2009 Embarcadero products that combine the advanced technologies of the brands of CodeGear and DatabaseGear published for the first time: the Architect editions of Delphi and C ++ Builder are complete solutions for Web design and database programming, because they contain ER/Studio Developer Edition.