Month: March 2015

Rest In Picturesque Abkhazia – Gagra

Gagra – a picturesque resort in Abkhazia. It is a magnificent city on the Black Sea, whose population by the year 2003 amounted to 26 thousand inhabitants. This resort founded by the Prince of Oldenburg. It was his task was to turn into a full Gagra resort. That he founded a telegraph office, and conducted electricity and running water, built from a climate standpoint. On the seashore park was laid out. They were planted palm trees, agaves, cypresses, lemon and orange trees. In Gagra and the day is celebrated segodnyashy Park and the Castle of Prince of Oldenburg.

Each year, this resort is visited by thousands of tourists who choose to vacation in Gagra. Gagra are maritime climate, spa resort. The mountains here create a special microclimate. They protect the city from cold winds, keeping warm gentle sea breeze. Gagra is the driest and warmest place on the Black Sea coast Caucasus.

The average annual temperature here is about 15.2 degrees. The bathing season in these parts begins in May and ends in November. Gorges ventilate and refresh the air in the city. This occurs because of the contrast of heights. The resort is spread along the Black Sea for seven miles along a narrow coastal strip, whose width is no more than three miles. It is a solid sub-tropical park with fountains and alleys of evergreens. The most beautiful area is the area of Old Gagra. Here, with a wonderful view of the coast to the mountains and the water is clean and clear. Tourists visiting the resorts of Abkhazia, one day, be sure to want to do it again and again. For many people come here every summer has become a matter of habit, as well as for large numbers of tourists are only Gagra discovery. To survive the next year with amazing memories of the glorious vacation, be sure to visit Gagra on vacation.


A hangover is a term used to describe the effects felt the morning after a night of heavy drinking. If you are guilty of consuming too much alcohol the night before, you will probably wake up with a hangover. Physical symptoms such as headache, palpitation, a bascoso stomach, a dry throat, redness of the eyes, thirst and fatigue are characteristic of a hangover. In addition, you can also experience a fast heart, tremors, headaches muculares heartbeat and sweating. Mental symptoms such as dizziness, depression, irritability and anxiety are also common. It makes sense that a substance that alters the mood, such as alcohol, will affect your mood. Although you may feel as it alters your mood in a way positive when it comes to consuming it, the remnants of alcohol in your blood circulation and brain the following day affect your natural feel good chemicals and cause disturbance of the humour. What causes a hangover? If you drink too much the night before, there are a number of reasons for which you can wake up with a hangover.

** The consumption of more alcohol than your body can metabolize efficiently makes alcohol toxins build up in your body. A chemical known as acetaldehyde is a byproduct of alcohol and is responsible for the severe symptoms of a hangover. ** The ethanol found in alcohol has an effect of dehydration, which is responsible for your headache, dry mouth and fatigue. ** The dark spirits such as red wine, brandy and whiskey contain more congeners (byproducts of alcohol fermentation process) that increase the symptoms of a hangover. Cheaper spirits is also known cause a worse hangover because few impurities have been removed.

** The body weight can be key factor: A smaller body weight generally means a major hangover. ** The mix your drinks is safely get drunk and carrying a hangover. When you mix your drinks, such as tequila and whisky, you is actually mixing together various poisons of alcohol. More pressure is then put into the liver to get rid of toxins and clean the system by wiping them with a jet of water out causing further dehydration. For hangover help without a doubt, the best prevention’s hangover is abstaining from alcohol or limit their consumption to the amounts your body can metabolize easily without causing too much damage. While this sounds good in theory, it is not always so easy in practice. Consider a natural remedy that can be used to assist the liver in the moments in which the digestive system can be under tension supporting the natural ability of the body to digest and assimilate food and alcoholic beverages in moments of excess. Natural remedies for hangovers to treat a hangover in the natural way and detoxify the body of toxins (caused by excess alcohol), herbal remedies and homeopathic remedies can be gentle, and very effective cures against the hangover. Natural hangover remedies may help your body and restored the balance. Herbs such as Taraxacum officinalis (dandelion), Foeniculum vulgare (fennel) and reniform Pelargonium can to serve rinse system, rejuvenate the liver and remove swelling. It is important to always remember that you use natural remedies for a reputable company to ensure that the ingredients are not contaminated, get maximum effectiveness and integrity of the product.

Having Selfdiscipline

Hello friends, I wanted to write this article a long time ago. I receive many emails that people even know what they have to do to make their lives better, but confess do not have discipline and persistence that they reap the fruits of their efforts. I don’t want to spend here an idea that I am the most disciplined person in the world. Far from it. There are days that it seems that things were not cooperating. But I immediately learned my profession, discipline and persistence are two fundamental characteristics for anyone to succeed in almost any area of life. Suppose that you need to lose weight. You know that you have to exercise and have a healthy and balanced diet.

Mean, you know what you have to do! If you exercise and eat better, you will achieve your goals. It seems so easy, it’s not really? But because it is so difficult in practice? Do if we know what to do and how to do, because the vast majority don’t get to have results? Due to the lack of self-discipline and persistence. Just by giving up very quickly.I would list some points that you should keep in mind to change areas of your life that you know that you need to change a coup. Learn more about articles and monographs. If you would like then develop self-discipline and persistence? 1.

Let the emotions of side. The emotion is the worst enemy of self-discipline. You don’t need to feel something different to start to improve your diet, talk more with your wife or husband, fix that wardrobe messy, make a physical activity, etc. You have to do and point. Decide to do. Decide to change.If deciding to do exercises every day, for example, it doesn’t matter if you fought with someone in your family, you’re upset by something, or to pass that filmed on TV.