We can affirm that the Bible contains in part the word of God, because she found the ten commandments and the Sermon on the mount, also some passages that have reached our days unadulterated, however if you take the Bible as a rule for life should say that many have used it to justify their misdeedsby por ejemplo example the Crusades, the Inquisition, or mass killings, with what is a daring and an insult affirm that everything that is in this book, which many catalogued as sacred, is what God wanted to transmit to men with his word. The fact that the Bible is not the word of God, completely unable to read even in the Bible itself. In Jeremiah, 8 there is a paragraph that says: do as you say: we are wise and the law of Yahweh is with us? Certainly the lying pens of the scribes made her lie this quote shows undoubtedly misleading style with which its writers introduced into the Bible what did not correspond to God, but however it has been attributed to the. An example clear that this is so gets us through Saint Paul who left the woman must remain silent and slaves must be subservient to the authorities. Phrases that have conditioned the story and very negatively influenced the development of life in the Christian West. However Jesus de Nazareth despite knowing that the woman had no no value at that time, not moved away it from itself, nor otherwise, rejected it, the featured numerous followers.

Jesus wanted his facts remain as symbols for humanity so that his steps could be followed. Passages as the woman in the well which told him: “you are a Jew, by what you talk to me? Don’t you know how to treat us? And he responds: I bring you the water of life. Or in another passage when he said to an adulterous: your sins are forgiven. We can clearly see the dissonance between what Jesus left us as an example to follow and as that more then others also said and got put in the Bible, being subsequently used as a pattern of behavior for almost 2000 years, with disastrous consequences that last to this day. original author and source of the article.