For the opposite, until recently we made face to same with everything what he could harm it, since ridicule the more trifler to the calumny more grave' '. The Founder of the Psychoanalysis called the attention for the necessity a serious psicanaltica formation: ' ' Any person who has passed for a psicanaltica preparation, that has been analyzed, that she has dominated that it can be taught in our days on the psychoanalysis of the unconscious one, that is made familiar to the science of the sexual life, that has learned the delicate technique of the psychoanalysis, the art of the interpretation, to fight the resistncias and to deal with the transference — any one that has carried through everything this is not plus a layperson in the field of psicanlise' ' (grifo is of the proper Freud). Here, Professor Roy Taylor expresses very clear opinions on the subject. added: ' ' I put emphasis in the requirement of that nobody must practise the analysis if it will not have acquired the right to make it through a specific formation. If this person is or not a doctor, me me seems ' of small account; '. But then, he would not have any advantage if the psychoanalyst is doctor? The truth is that Freud found that the doctor had ' ' doubtless vantagem' ' on a practical layperson in the analytical one. Mainly in the question of the diagnosis.
But this advantage disappears will have been overcome the care of the candidate to be psicanalisado to be interviewed first by one doctor: ' ' Most of the neuroses that occupy in them is happily of psicognica nature, and not of the pathological reasons for suspicion. A time that the doctor has firmed this, can confident pass the treatment to a lay analyst. In our analytical societies, the things had been always arranged in this way. Thanks to the narrow contact between the medical members and not-doctors, errors such that could be feared entirely had been prevented.