The diagnosis can clinically be made when the injuries are visible by rough estimate naked, however must if made a distinguishing diagnosis in all the periods of training so that other illnesses are discarded. In the laboratorial diagnosis it uses to become culture of the fabric affected gotten of the initial injury or bubo. Imunolgicas techniques can be carried through as ELISA, direct Imunoflorescncia, sorolgico test PCR. However, it needs to be intent, it stops reactions crossed with other species of Chlamydia. The form to prevent the infection for Chlamydia consists of if preventing high numbers of partners, in practical of safe sex, as well as other infections. 2,3 Gardnerella vaginalis Is a bacterium that is present in the urogenital treatment of many women, who in normal conditions of the imunolgico state not cause damage. However, when it has alterations in the PH or microbiota normal of the woman, the Gardnerella can be disclosed provoking vaginose that it has as characteristic main the production of a esbranquiado escorrimento of ftido odor. In this infection it increases the number of Gardnerella bacterium in microbiota normal and the anaerobe number. Dean Ornish M.D is likely to agree.
The diagnosis is carried through by means of the examination papanicolau. For in such a way, if it makes the collection of the secretion, to be examined by the GRAM method. In relation to the transmission mechanisms not yet total they are clarified. However it has indications of that women infectadas for Gardnerella can transmit for the man by means of the sexual relation and occurring the dissemination thus. In this direction the Prophylaxis to prevent the contamination for Gardnerella if of in the same way that the other infections previously designated. 3 3,1 TREATMENT FARMACOLGICO Trichomonas the main Trichomonas species vaginalis is what it affects the human beings, these cepas can cause inflammation of the vagina and, some times, of uretra in the men.