Should not be raising his head high, stepping forward with trembling podborotkom. Not should also expect that everything will lay flowers at your feet – for your strength. That will not happen, did not even wait. This way, you can select only if you are sure that will pass. Yes, it will be difficult and very much so.

Necessarily will be a time when want to say, "Why should I be strong. Yes, anyone I do not have to. I also want to feel sorry for me and comforted. " But this is simply to survive. Time heals all wounds, though some disagree. Time – is something that dulls our emotions, more memories. Time helps us to contact you to experience both good and bad. It is true when we experience something good to hurry and time runs forward.

Conversely, when bad it is as if the freezes stop strangest thing time. How to survive a close and caring lover, you ask. Once I'm here handing out advice and criticism from all and sundry. The answer is – I do not know how to survive. This question is not answered, each experiences in their own way, someone's head goes to work, and whom it takes time to understand and grasp everything. Loss of a loved and beloved is always very painful. The soul is torn to pieces and takes up residence in us a feeling of emptiness, as if all that was inside, pulled out and thrown out. We eat little, sleep badly and cease to be happy. Why so? Why does the soul cry? Sure, the period when we are experiencing the death of a loved one, for all we react more acutely. Resents obsalyutno innocuous things and phrases, often crying. Death – it is an integral part of life. But even realizing it difficult to accept death. Sometimes, some easier to think that their families and friends of people left, but not dead. Check out Human much easier than it is gone forever. Perhaps if we were 100% confident of life after death, to experience all this would be easier. After all, we are always afraid of the unknown. Subspecies of a small total of around written above. Initially it was about the soul, so get back to it. The soul is in fact we do. Only the soul of each of us is hidden in Inside us, so see it we can not. Many of the soul is white, some black. With black people live soul just as we differ, we only poslupakami and attitude to everything. I think people with black soul – these are people who are either in nedolyubili identity or something, and once nedodali. In any case, I would like to have each of us soul was white and clean.