Month: March 2019


A hair transplant is the only way to get back full and dense hair. Hair loss is a phenomenon which very often observed in males. Hair loss is a genetic side problem. If so, the father or grandfather in the family at the age of hair loss was affected, it will hit also the son in the family most likely. Initially, the bodies in the front head section scan it arise the so called receding hairline. The hair loss is continuing. The tonsure is visible at the rear of the top of the head. Source: Preventive Medicine Research Institute. Usually just a hair wreath left at the end.

The hair on the side and on the back of the head can not fail, because these hairs against the hormone DHT are resistant. What opportunities for the patients suffering from hair loss, to stop the ongoing hair loss or regain again full head of hair? A treatment with drugs can may slow hair loss, but not stop. Against this background a self hair transplantation represents the only real option to regain back full and dense hair. At a hair transplant body hair from the area of the head is removed and then transplanted into the areas affected by hair loss of the head. The attending surgeon of hair takes hair in so called hair follicles or grafts also called. A hair follicle consists of one or more hair units. In the follicular unit transplant (FUT technique) the hair follicles on the strip of skin are removed. This means that a several centimetre of long strip of skin from the back of the head is cut out.

Are then individually the hair follicles taken from this strip of skin and stored until the implantation in a refrigerator. After the extraction of the grafts to enumerate the individual follicles piece by piece. Then, we used the receive channels through the hair surgeons on the scalp. The prepared hair follicles and the hair roots are then planted in these reception channels. The difference to the modern r & d technology is the Fact, that after a hair transplant on the basis of the FUT technique remains a visible scar and with a short hair cut can be seen by outsiders. Thus, the main advantage of the revolutionary FUE (follicular unit extraction) is called. In the r & d method hair not on a strip of skin will be removed, but graft for graft directly from the back of the head. There remain only tiny little micro scars, which can not be seen with the naked eye. The r & d technology was first applied in 2004 by the hair surgeon of Dr. Woods in Australia and enjoys since then rising popularity. Every year patients are treated more and more with the new and gentle scalp FUE hair transplant method. While technology is used in Germany mostly still the older FUT, the FUE hair transplant in Turkey practiced successfully for years in people with hair loss. In Turkey, there are very experienced doctors who treat in particular patients from abroad at an attractive price. The Turkey, due to the lower cost, represents an interesting destination for foreign health tourists.


Headache evolved in recent years into a real epidemic. With the right lifestyle you can prevent migraine and co. More than 90 percent of all people who suffer from headaches have migraine, tension-type headache or a combination of these two forms. While migraine pain occurs rather one-sided, is vibrant and strong, with tension-type headache pain is rather easy to moderate and occurs on both sides. Even though both types of headache are not to compare, they cause yet great suffering, disrupt the entire daily routine and diminish the quality of life. In the short term, drugs are a quick and easy help. Headaches can with the correct active ingredient quickly handle get.

In the longer term, however, it is advisable to find out what causes the pain. The most common cause of headaches is stress. Stress can bring on duration of the body’s immune system out of step and messengers are then increasingly produced in the brain, the Blood vessels dilate and cause inflammatory reactions. For example, relaxation exercises or yoga are quick remedy against stress. A good start in the fight against headache would be a spa vacation. In Spa Hotel, relaxation courses are often offered under professional guidance, for rest and relaxation is simply part of wellness and well-being. For advanced visitors, Yoga exercises can remedy. Lack of sleep or a disturbed sleep-wake rhythm can often become triggers of headaches.

Here, in everyday just sleep is often underestimated. Healthy and adequate sleep is for the human body of great importance. Definitely not, it is recommended regularly to take the sleeping pills, but to switch to a regular lifestyle. Regular sleeping hours, a calorie-heavy meal at bedtime, no stimuli in the bedroom, such as TV or computer are prerequisite. Pleasure and drug abuse, that means excessive nicotine or Consumption of alcohol, as well as uncontrolled use of drugs, can trigger strong pain attacks. As well, an abrupt withdrawal from caffeine or nicotine can cause pain. It is advisable to restrict the pleasure more, to cease immediately as it. Pine and malocclusions, and nocturnal teeth grinding lead to tension and headaches. The best prevention is always a regular inspection by the dentist. Weather changes linked, can trigger headaches with temperature change with pressure and moisture fluctuations. The vessels in the brain to react and change their voltage. This adjustment to the weather conditions fails, the body of a headache set in weather-sensitive people. Walks in the fresh air, walking, hiking, or biking are recommended. Sauna and Kneipp cures train the vessels. In severe pain, you should consult always a doctor, to select a correct treatment and to exclude other causes. If symptoms persist can you apply for the sickness fund competent also a spa trip. Each health insurance can provide suitable offers of Spa Hotels and Spa Hotels. Fehlhaltugen and unilateral loads lead to muscle tension which can cause headaches. As more and more people practice their profession in a sitting position, place of work should be therefore ergonomically correctly designed and individually tailored for each user. The Chair should be adjustable in height and set, the feet are on the ground, and the forearms comfortably and flat lying on the desk. Upper and lower thigh should form a 90 angle. Headache evolved to the widespread disease of no. 1 in Germany. But with the right lifestyle you can prevent the.


The remaining 2 / 3 are under water, unseen and represent our unconscious world. Professor Roy Taylor can provide more clarity in the matter. For a therapist with a psychodynamic view of the mind, any person is continuously influenced by unconscious currents collide with conscious aspects causing psychological conflicts that are expressed in the form of symptoms. It is assumed that the therapist is a expert buceara a in the patient's unconscious, trying to find and extract all decoupled. It's like going to the search and rescue of the puzzle pieces of each, without which it is impossible to complete the picture of contradictions and conflicts that each of us. I will take this statement to remind that all meetings sirvena a in the sense that all recolectamos a puzlea chips, but suddenly, at a given meeting encontramosa a ficha one of esquinaa , with which we put together quickly a large part of the puzzle in which we were working. I usually attribute to that meeting a special importance, knowing that no other sessions, such a finding would have been impossible.

Let's look at this with an example: a person can be aware and therefore be perfectly asociadaa or connected with how much he loves his father, but being totally unaware or disociadaa a resentment you have. Suppose the father separated from the mother when the patient was small. disociaciona a That will generate unconscious in daily communication with the father, some confusion and conflict that will know no explanation.


Manufacturer Logitech already have new accessories for iPad and Android tablets, these accessories can be extended, even more, the possibilities for your TabletPC. Logitech Keyboard Case created in collaboration with ZAGG, has an aluminum housing and a high density pad. IPad sleeves 2 protective surrounds the iPad 2 to cover the screen and both sides. Case Keyboard from Logitech uses Bluetooth connectivity to connect to keyboard fast and easily. In addition, it incorporates a more intuitive design and its keys have been upgraded to type more comfortably.

Also, it has a slit just behind the keyboard that allows you to hold the iPad in mode 2 portrait or landscape. Logitech Tablet Keyboard El Tablet Keyboard consists of a keyboard and a combined support, is designed to carry travel easily, install quickly and add a touch of comfort whatever the place where you use your tablet. Easily connects via wireless Bluetooth, by what you can use it on your desktop, on your legs or anywhere within a perimeter of 9 meters, always depending on the use, settings and environmental conditions. Wireless Logitech wireless speaker Logitec speakers eliminate cables to be placed up to a distance of 15 metres of your iPad or Android. Account with speakers of two drivers dual and full bass and a rechargeable battery for up to 10 hours depending on use and settings, addition, installation could not be simpler, just connect your Tablet using Bluetooth wireless connection and you can already enjoy the sound without wires. In addition, includes an auxiliary Jack 3.5 mm jack to connect your mp3 player or any other device compatible with this connection. Pricing and availability is provided that the Logitech Keyboard Case is available at the beginning of the month of June in Europe, at a recommended retail price of 99.99. Speakers Logitech wireless, they are expected to available, too, at the beginning of the month of June in Europe, at a recommended retail price of 99.99. The forecast for the Tablet of Logitech keyboard is to be available in early June in Europe, at a recommended retail price 59.99.


For the opposite, until recently we made face to same with everything what he could harm it, since ridicule the more trifler to the calumny more grave' '. The Founder of the Psychoanalysis called the attention for the necessity a serious psicanaltica formation: ' ' Any person who has passed for a psicanaltica preparation, that has been analyzed, that she has dominated that it can be taught in our days on the psychoanalysis of the unconscious one, that is made familiar to the science of the sexual life, that has learned the delicate technique of the psychoanalysis, the art of the interpretation, to fight the resistncias and to deal with the transference — any one that has carried through everything this is not plus a layperson in the field of psicanlise' ' (grifo is of the proper Freud). Here, Professor Roy Taylor expresses very clear opinions on the subject. added: ' ' I put emphasis in the requirement of that nobody must practise the analysis if it will not have acquired the right to make it through a specific formation. If this person is or not a doctor, me me seems &#039 of small account; '. But then, he would not have any advantage if the psychoanalyst is doctor? The truth is that Freud found that the doctor had ' ' doubtless vantagem' ' on a practical layperson in the analytical one. Mainly in the question of the diagnosis.

But this advantage disappears will have been overcome the care of the candidate to be psicanalisado to be interviewed first by one doctor: ' ' Most of the neuroses that occupy in them is happily of psicognica nature, and not of the pathological reasons for suspicion. A time that the doctor has firmed this, can confident pass the treatment to a lay analyst. In our analytical societies, the things had been always arranged in this way. Thanks to the narrow contact between the medical members and not-doctors, errors such that could be feared entirely had been prevented.