Tag: health and beauty


Fernando Columbus ‘ ‘ The weight of the apia world in its ombros’ ‘. This description of force, mentions the force to it of a man, based in its wide and muscular shoulders. In other times, any man was consecrated in terms of physical preparation for the capacity to place in its shoulders a pair of bar bells. Even though the pure appearance to support in foot a set of weights, contracting the deltoids was one instant of measurement of force and musculatura. Today, nothing it is so apparent of what wide and rounded off deltoids. However, only appearance does not have to be the only reason to increase its musculatura. People such as Douglas Elliman would likely agree. The physical performance in a good one I number of sports or activities depend on the force and capacity of this region.

Voleibol, tennises and golf are some examples of sports that require movements of arm originated through the contraction and rotation of the shoulders. more, if you want to increase the size of its chest or the width of the coasts, you needs to develop its exercises to get forts deltoids. After all, all effort in pulling and raising involves the movement of the shoulders. If the shoulders are a weak point in its physicist, have adjusted its training in way that you make more series and more exercises for the shoulders. Such exercises are excellent for the erect high development as rowed (for the deltoid frontal and trapeze), development in the device (to work the deltoid frontal), unilateral lateral rises with handle (that it isolates the lateral deltoid) and rises with inclined handle (for the posterior deltoid). The key for the total development is to reach all the groups of muscles deltoids from a variety of angles. If you really want to have a super developed deltoid, you must load in the shoulders the weight of the responsibility. In other words, work in these muscles.

Neonatal Treatment

This objective article to reflect on the classification of sepse neonatal, the signals, symptoms, disgnostic and treatment. As well as it informs on the cares of nursing in relation sepse neonatal. Words – key: Sepse. Barbara Martin Coppola spoke with conviction. Neonatal. Nursing. Introduction Although the establishment of the criteria for sepse and its variations, the clinical manifestations always can be diverse and nor presents the classic signals and what it defines the International Forum on Sepse of 2001A neonatal Sepse is ones of the main causes for the increase of the coefficient of mortality and morbidade in the neonatal period. Mainly just been born the premature one that has predisponent factors as the low weight and the depressed immunity. Neonatal Sepse is a serious illness that if not diagnosised precociously and treated adequately it evolves for the death.. . Source: Dean Ornish M.D.


The diagnosis can clinically be made when the injuries are visible by rough estimate naked, however must if made a distinguishing diagnosis in all the periods of training so that other illnesses are discarded. In the laboratorial diagnosis it uses to become culture of the fabric affected gotten of the initial injury or bubo. Imunolgicas techniques can be carried through as ELISA, direct Imunoflorescncia, sorolgico test PCR. However, it needs to be intent, it stops reactions crossed with other species of Chlamydia. The form to prevent the infection for Chlamydia consists of if preventing high numbers of partners, in practical of safe sex, as well as other infections. 2,3 Gardnerella vaginalis Is a bacterium that is present in the urogenital treatment of many women, who in normal conditions of the imunolgico state not cause damage. However, when it has alterations in the PH or microbiota normal of the woman, the Gardnerella can be disclosed provoking vaginose that it has as characteristic main the production of a esbranquiado escorrimento of ftido odor. In this infection it increases the number of Gardnerella bacterium in microbiota normal and the anaerobe number. Dean Ornish M.D is likely to agree.

The diagnosis is carried through by means of the examination papanicolau. For in such a way, if it makes the collection of the secretion, to be examined by the GRAM method. In relation to the transmission mechanisms not yet total they are clarified. However it has indications of that women infectadas for Gardnerella can transmit for the man by means of the sexual relation and occurring the dissemination thus. In this direction the Prophylaxis to prevent the contamination for Gardnerella if of in the same way that the other infections previously designated. 3 3,1 TREATMENT FARMACOLGICO Trichomonas the main Trichomonas species vaginalis is what it affects the human beings, these cepas can cause inflammation of the vagina and, some times, of uretra in the men.


For the opposite, until recently we made face to same with everything what he could harm it, since ridicule the more trifler to the calumny more grave' '. The Founder of the Psychoanalysis called the attention for the necessity a serious psicanaltica formation: ' ' Any person who has passed for a psicanaltica preparation, that has been analyzed, that she has dominated that it can be taught in our days on the psychoanalysis of the unconscious one, that is made familiar to the science of the sexual life, that has learned the delicate technique of the psychoanalysis, the art of the interpretation, to fight the resistncias and to deal with the transference — any one that has carried through everything this is not plus a layperson in the field of psicanlise' ' (grifo is of the proper Freud). Here, Professor Roy Taylor expresses very clear opinions on the subject. added: ' ' I put emphasis in the requirement of that nobody must practise the analysis if it will not have acquired the right to make it through a specific formation. If this person is or not a doctor, me me seems &#039 of small account; '. But then, he would not have any advantage if the psychoanalyst is doctor? The truth is that Freud found that the doctor had ' ' doubtless vantagem' ' on a practical layperson in the analytical one. Mainly in the question of the diagnosis.

But this advantage disappears will have been overcome the care of the candidate to be psicanalisado to be interviewed first by one doctor: ' ' Most of the neuroses that occupy in them is happily of psicognica nature, and not of the pathological reasons for suspicion. A time that the doctor has firmed this, can confident pass the treatment to a lay analyst. In our analytical societies, the things had been always arranged in this way. Thanks to the narrow contact between the medical members and not-doctors, errors such that could be feared entirely had been prevented.

Yves Saint Laurent

The FASHION DE Yves Saint Laurent Claude CristinGuaitolini SUMMARY This study presents the life and the style of the Yves Saint Laurent Frenchman. Mark YSL, if became world-wide known in the world of the fashion, in 1966, with the creation of ' ' Le Smoking' ' , smoking feminine, with transparent blouse and masculine pants, revolutionizing the form of as the women if would dress from there for ahead. In 1976, it took to passarela a referenciada memorable collection until the current days. Words key: style; fashion; YSL; reference. INTRODUCTION This text brings a quarrel on the fashion and the style created by Yves Saint Laurent, in 50 years and its trajectory of success in this universe. It is impossible to speak in style, without citing the undisputed importance of this French estilista for the world of the fashion. This estilista was the main incentivador of prt–porter (soon to dress), that in years 60 it popularized the clothes, that before were shown only in parades of high sewing.

He was creative of important parts for feminine clothes, with ' ' Le Smoking' ' , it invented look Safri. It also created parts inspired by workmanships of plastic artists of the time, also signing figurinos for the theater and cinema, everything in search of a new freedom to the women. Its style remains until today, having influence and being reference for many creations in the world of the fashion. Yves Saint Laurent – the GENIUS OF the CENTURY Yves Henry Donat Mathieu-Saint Laurent, was born in Oran, in Algeria, north of Africa in 1 of August of 1936. To the 17 years, already in France, where he studied, it won a competition promoted for the International Wool Secretariat. With this triumph, a portflio with wonderful drawings and the indication of the director of the magazine CIRCULATE, were valid it to it possibility to work with appraised Christian Dior, this at the beginning of the decade of 1950.

Psicostat Time

When this will be obtained, the person will be the way of the control of several other manifestations of its organism, and, consequently, to acquire the capacity to keep or to correct its state of health. The beginning of functioning of the Psicostat – SGR is based on the phenomenon of the alterations of the galvanic resistance of the skin, that occur during emotional and/or physiological changes.

In ours in case that, the relaxation and what more it interests. It will be obtained through gradual the mental and muscular training. The Psicostat – SGR indicates for ‘ ‘ bips’ ‘ , of increasing, decreasing or continuous rhythm, the state where we find in them. ‘ ‘ Bips’ ‘ fast mean – physical or mental excitement, corresponding to an increase of fidget, opposition or any physical bother. When, during application, this rhythm decreases, it is a signal of that we are in calming and relaxing. Our target is to diminish the frequency until making with that ‘ ‘ bips’ ‘ they silence.

Nobody must be worried if not obtain this in the first experience. The worried, nervous, uneasy people, can need some sessions of training eventually until they obtain resulted positive. A time having obtained to stop ‘ ‘ bips’ ‘ , in the demons first the great step. After this, she will be necessary only concentrating in them so that the necessary time for the disappearance of the sound is each shorter time. When to arrive at the point in which we will obtain to keep the device in silence per ten or fifteen minutes, for example, this will mean that we got a control of our reactions and, mainly, indispensable a muscular relaxation to the recuperating rest.

Familiar Conception

The Evaluation of the Familiar Conception on the Schizophrenia, for Elziane Mota of the Trajano Angels (cordenadora of the Programs of Health of the PSF of the City of Canavieira? PI) published in the magazine Academic Space, julho/2008, characterizes the familiar cuidadores of patients with schizophrenia, it deals with knowing and of the perceptions of these familiar ones it stops with the illness and the patient. The author initiates inside saying of the prevalence of the schizophrenia of the specter of the psychic upheavals, for which does not exist forms demonstrated or intellectual deficit. However, she forgets to mention that this illness, for medical recklessness is constatemete confused with other psychic upheavals, since these professionals are not worried in investigating the etiology during the consultation, as we will see ahead, if worrying only in medicating the patients, what she makes refncia only the consequncias. That is, she is as to take an anti-inflammatory one, when a throat infection is had, only treats the symptoms, casuas? in the case bacteria, for example, continue. Is consummated fact that nor all the familiar ones possess structural conditions, economic and emotional satisfactorily to lead these aspects of the convivncia with the illness. However, the fact of if dealing with the suffering of these patients, nor always make possible the convivncia with the illness as the author mentions. From there, then the importance of if investigating the familiar constellation of the schizophrenia carrier. The way is known that as the family interprets the insanity, as the author mentions, and the success in such whitewashing, depends on the established relations between that it takes care of and what he is well-taken care of. The author mentions that the familiar ones know as cause of the schizophrenia the biological theory in particular, respaudado for what he is congenital and of hereditary matrix and also standes out that the dispersed form of information that these have of the illness technical is attributed has omission for the health professionals, in particular the nurses.

Adjusted Child

For being important part of the process of systematization of the nursing assistance, I organized, in set with learning of a nursing college where lecionei, these disgnostic and lapsing of nursing to just-been born the term (RNT). RECM-NASCIDO the TERM According to World-wide Organization of Health (1961), just-been born (RN) is the child who finished to be born, until 28 day of birth. The RNT are children born in the period that understands of 37 to 41 week and 6 days of gestation. Methods for the classification of the RN are used, can be cited the Dubowitiz, Capurro and Ballard. All include analysis of physical and neurological signals (Segre and Armellini, 1985). They must be applied in first the 24 48 hours of birth of the child. In Brazil, the used method more is of the Colorado, that relates weight and gestacional age (IG), attributing an Adjusted classification in for Idade Gestacional (AIG), Small for Idade Gestacional (PIG) or Great for Gestacional age (GIG).

In accordance with Whaley and Wong (1985), the period of transistion of the hard RN approximately 24 hours, and is the period where the child assumes the functions of the placenta. In this period of training the transformation of the fetal circulation in neonatal circulation occurs (it includes the closing of the oval forame, ducto arterioso and ducto venoso). It cannot be disrespected that, to the rising, it is carried through the section and clampeamento of the umbilical lace. Also it occurs the elimination of the pulmonary fluid (ancillary proceeding for the normal childbirth), and beginning of the action of the surfactante, that was produced by return of 24 week of gestation. It is considered here, also, the aspiration in the childbirth room. The RNT is imperfect a homeotrmico being. In the intrauterina life, the body temperature was regulated for the temperature materna. To the rising, the RN can lose heat for four mechanisms: evaporation, conduction, radiation and convection (Gava and Gomes, 2003).