What are fats and whether you need to know about it at all? Do not consider this a rhetorical question. Fats are surrounded by numerous myths and stereotypes. "All fats – bad," "All vegetable oils are the same," "vegetable oil – vegetable, from He did not get fat "," Margarine – better than butter "… If you think about it, you can remember a few of these stamps. The Russians, according to the above-mentioned web-based survey, understand the difference between saturated and unsaturated fats worse than Europeans and Americans. More than half of our compatriots, it turns out, can not distinguish one from another. In terms of chemistry, fat – a group of chemicals that contain fatty acid. Although all fats supply the body about the same amount of calories, they differ significantly in composition and have different effects on the body.
It is important that not all fats have a negative effect on health. Furthermore, fats are essential for all of us and can not be excluded from the diet without serious adverse effects, because: fat – this is a reserve source of energy, fats are necessary for the assimilation of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K, fats are used for the synthesis of sex hormones and adrenal hormones, fats are composed of all cell membranes and membranes of nerve fibers and fats are still involved in the regulation of body temperature and process digestion. Finally, they give food taste and flavor, so we love fatty foods.