It is evident that the upheavals that present/display these students are not processes who send in a period of determined time, reason why a continued plan of educative pursuit will be necessary. In order to evaluate the results he would be advisable to establish a continuous evaluation that informs to us with respect to the progress of the realised adaptation, thus being able to in time take part if outside necessary with support and reinforcements. In case of autismo infantile, techniques of structured, specific and discreet observation are recommended. Based on the evaluation realised when finalizing this annual period, the team of professionals will have to decide on curricular modifications, changes in the supports, collaboration with the family, possible decisions on its promotion for its passage to the contents corresponding to the initial cycle of Primary, corresponding to its age. Objectives and high-priority contents of the Curricular Adaptation the objectives have to be: Individuales_ Still being diagnosed with the same upheaval, each boy is different. The programming will be directed to each student of concrete form Prioritarios_ everything cannot be obtained, is necessary to prioritize Funcionales_ Which stops people is functional for others is not it.
For example, for these children he is more functional to have majors social abilities that to learn a foreign language Sequential and estructurados_ the objectives will be chosen as it bases for future acquisitions, subdividing the general missions in specific. Appraisable, operative and medibles_ the most concrete objectives possible to be able to make an evaluation of progress. Credit: Professor Roy Taylor-2011. Area Language: Communication and representation (Gestures, face and oral expression) Objectives of the Curricular Proposal: 1. Use of the language like communication tool, representation, learning and enjoys, to express ideas and feelings, through the oral language. 2. Expression of emotions, feelings, desires and ideas by means of the oral language and through other alternative languages of communication, the one that better adjusts to the student.