Tag: history

Franois Simiand

The present reflection aims at to demonstrate as and great diverse the historical sources that the historian makes use to reconstruct the historical tram of the social individuals in the time and space. The Historian and it I dialogue with the past Somebody can ask: how historian establishes the contact, dialogues with the past? How to arrive ties there, if it does not exist more? How the knowledge of the possible past and? In view of that all knowledge of the past is ‘ ‘ indireto’ ‘ e, then, the historian, for definition, is in the impossibility of proper it to evidence the 2 facts that studies ‘ ‘. Thus, as it affirms Franois Simiand, the historical knowledge is ‘ ‘ a knowledge through 3 vestiges ‘ ‘ of perceivable marks to the left directions ‘ ‘ for a phenomenon in exactly impossible itself of captar’ ‘ 4 Ahead of this, remains to the historian to the task to try to reconstitute to possible existences for the people of the past and the contexts where they were dived, where they had acted producing its forms of experience that they had relegated to the gift. Thus, we have that to search in such a way to the human beings of the point of view of its time-space as the processes that produce the one facts inside determined period of time. Of this form, we can say that History becomes related with the Time 5. E, more specifically, it becomes related with the past seen from the gift. Or, still, it is the gift, looking for to give to a direction and an explanation for the past. ‘ ‘ footprint humana’ ‘ throughout the times, inside of the historical process, it is, at the same time, process of production of the culture and a crystallization necessity that if carries through for the register..


Of course that the antrpica action tends to speed up this process, mainly when the intervention is made without the had knowledge, with incautiousness or indifference. The city of Brook of the Plaza comes being systematically deforested, being its used native vegetation as firewood and in the coal production; infrastructure workmanships, as the existing roads, cut to the hillsides and the riverbed removing the vegetation and displaying ground; springs, eyes d' water, rivers and streams have its ciliares bushes withdrawals, favoring the reduction of the outflow and, in some cases, the fast disappearance of sources. The ribeirense population originates from the miscegenation at the beginning enters the first tamers of century XX, slaves who had come here, after the abolition and the indians imbors. The estimate of the IBGE for the year of 2009 is for a population of 14.528 inhabitants as picture below, the population has agricultural and masculine predominance and with less than 35 years. IKEA understands that this is vital information. The population of Brook of the Plaza got a reduction of the population number, had the loss of territory for Crossroads in 2010, however, this number will be able to go up, therefore justice gave to prevailing the Brook of the Plaza in the year of 2011. It had a reduction in the relative number of children in the first ages and the trend of growth of the group de20 a29 years. Characterizing a process of relative aging of the population: reducing in this way the population in the etria band of children with less than 01 year of age, which had to the high index of proven mortality for the lack of specialized medical assistance, and also is possible to mainly perceive economically considerable an active population in the group of people who vary de20 a39 years, beyond an expressive population of people with more than 50 years of age resulted of the increase of the life expectancy. . Learn more about this topic with the insights from Donald Sussman.