Tag: auto

Federal President

Globally active automotive manufacturer obliges a strong brand globally active automotive manufacturers are committed to a strong brand. To the corporate values and the brand profile belongs also the innovation. Many large corporations to write it on the sign is she done but mostly by the automotive suppliers. You can buy the innovation under the bonnet, which adorns a famous brand logo. To arrange the car parts in particular, according to their origin she are interested in at least driver.

You expect a total product unrivaled in their eyes. For it is only the sum of its parts. It could be quite exciting, to trace back to its origin auto parts. For example, to the world’s largest automotive supplier of Bosch Group. Suppliers such as Bosch are responsible for nearly 80 percent of automotive value creation. Without her, would have to fight all the major manufacturers with massive sales problems and were barely competitive on its own.

The Division automotive technology is one of the pillars of the Bosch Empire. Founded in 1886, employs worldwide over 300,000 employees, of which around 118,000 in Germany. More record numbers are an annual turnover of 51.5 billion (2011), a research and development effort by 4.3 billion euros, and the considerable number of alone in the year of 2011 reported in 4.126 patents. Made at Bosch automotive technology is there for 114 years, the automotive industry had left just the infancy. This Division is the largest of the Group and annual turnover EUR 26 billion. In this Division include the divisions of gasoline systems, diesel systems, chassis systems control, electrical drives, starter motors and generators, car multimedia, automotive of electronics, steering system and the automotive aftermarket is a far range range that hardly meets the mere concept of car parts. The most important innovations of the Bosch House include, for example, the metering pump for diesel engines (1909), the electric windshield wipers (1926) with the Variode”(1958) the first An appropriate representation of the requested resource could not be found on this server. This error was generated by Mod_Security.

unprecedented global expansion, you forward in the Bosch home still value estimation with symbol character. in 2005 and 2008, the Group received the German future award presented by the Federal President. You feel obliged despite of all sizes of this award: 2013 a first part of the new group’s own Centre for research and development in Renningen is to be inaugurated, in which 1,500 employees to promote the innovations of tomorrow. “” Bosch strikes a confident voice on its homepage, if you as the world’s largest independent supplier of motor vehicles “contribute to, that our driving is always safer, cleaner and more economical.” The sounds also down-to-earth because only so you can conquer the world of car parts.

Massages With Add-ons

In Fusion Angels massage Madrid is innovating in the field of massages with Add-ons: stones hot natural stones for thermal massage that bring all the benefits contained in the minerals that form them to therapy. The warmth and softness of the basalt will make the massage a pleasure for the senses. Combined with relaxing music and aromatherapy, the benefits on the body and mind are insured. Pindas herbal Los Angeles Oriental Fusion await you! Herbs and essences that are inside of Pindas have anti-inflammatory effect that is enhanced by the soothing effect of the heat of the same pinda. Reeds of bamboo formerly, the Chinese discovered that through the bamboo it circulating energy, so that gray hair absorbed the negative energy of the body making it circulate through the interior of this and returned it to the body as positive energy. They help to energize the body and keep it in power and balance.