Tag: education

The Prescription

The proposal was the following one: From the quarrels made in room of lesson on the literal sorts culinria prescription and poem, and taking in consideration the possibility of if producing texts from other texts and other sorts, produces a poetry of free subject with proper characteristics of the prescription. &#039 uses the structures; ' ingredientes' ' ' ' way of preparo' ' in accordance with its creativity. The poetry can be free, without necessity of if arresting you rhyme it and estrofes. The texts will be socialized for all the group in the 15 final minutes of the last schedule. The pupils had produced the texts in relaxed climate and had chosen diverse subjects to write, such as declaration of love, expression of feelings, soccer, the climate of winter and the educational system. The ones had been few that had not wanted to participate with productions, but these, seeing the interest of excessively, had kept silence, making possible a propitious climate to the creation and the imagination. The animation was well-known when the pupils had started to socialize its compositions and to present them it the colleagues.

2.1 Recapitulation of 2.1.1 metodolgicas information Analysis of data to follow, we will start to analyze the results of the intervention carried through in the group. The texts will be annexed such which had been deliver. Pupil: Pupil: The heading of the poem is ' ' Prescription for Amar' '. In the production, the pupil had the care in elaborating a text with typically poetical characteristics, as the verse use and estrofes, and expressions that mention feelings. Although not to make use of you rhyme, the text has certain melody and possesss rhythm. How much to the sort it prescribes culinria, the text of the pupil did not take care of to the waited one, therefore it did not make use of none of its aspects, did not cite the ingredients, nor made use of the expression ' ' way of preparo' '.

The Column

Already I had problems in the column and the arm due to daily trip inside of a Van, people does not obtain to have comfort and therefore our column to the end of the day is dolorida. In the arm I had an injury on account to write very in the picture. But I could not move away to me, therefore it did not have another person to substitute me, the skill was to write little in the picture and to dictate the activities. (Teacher B). Already I had strong pains in the arms due to cervical column. (Teacher C). When in the day-care center where I worked the children adoeciam, due to the contact with them already caught grippe, viroses and lice (Teacher F).

What it exists is a group of illnesses that attacks the people who work in this area. Therefore, the professor must take all the cares that any another necessary professional to have. Visits to a general, fonoaudilogo physician, physiotherapist and other professionals of the health, for the prevention of more serious illnesses. The problem is that it does not lack to initiative and conscience on the part of the professors in if taking care of, what lacks is favorable time and conditions, them know that they need to have a better life, but they do not obtain to have it because of its conditions of work. This is evident in the ranks of them: I do not have as to stop pra taking care of of me, of my family. Of the health when I am sick there I have that to go to the doctor, but in case that contrary, not shot a time pra this. (Teacher B). I do not have time, work the day all and alone I arrive at night in house, but I know that it needs exactly.