The Evaluation of the Familiar Conception on the Schizophrenia, for Elziane Mota of the Trajano Angels (cordenadora of the Programs of Health of the PSF of the City of Canavieira? PI) published in the magazine Academic Space, julho/2008, characterizes the familiar cuidadores of patients with schizophrenia, it deals with knowing and of the perceptions of these familiar ones it stops with the illness and the patient. The author initiates inside saying of the prevalence of the schizophrenia of the specter of the psychic upheavals, for which does not exist forms demonstrated or intellectual deficit. However, she forgets to mention that this illness, for medical recklessness is constatemete confused with other psychic upheavals, since these professionals are not worried in investigating the etiology during the consultation, as we will see ahead, if worrying only in medicating the patients, what she makes refncia only the consequncias. That is, she is as to take an anti-inflammatory one, when a throat infection is had, only treats the symptoms, casuas? in the case bacteria, for example, continue. Is consummated fact that nor all the familiar ones possess structural conditions, economic and emotional satisfactorily to lead these aspects of the convivncia with the illness. However, the fact of if dealing with the suffering of these patients, nor always make possible the convivncia with the illness as the author mentions. From there, then the importance of if investigating the familiar constellation of the schizophrenia carrier. The way is known that as the family interprets the insanity, as the author mentions, and the success in such whitewashing, depends on the established relations between that it takes care of and what he is well-taken care of. The author mentions that the familiar ones know as cause of the schizophrenia the biological theory in particular, respaudado for what he is congenital and of hereditary matrix and also standes out that the dispersed form of information that these have of the illness technical is attributed has omission for the health professionals, in particular the nurses.
Familiar Conception
December 5, 2013 News