If the patient the hypertensive crisis is due to a pheochromocytoma recursive headache, palpitations, and you will find him with pallor and diaphoresis, tachycardia, sinus and exaggeratedly high figures (> 180/140 mmHg); in this case the ideal treatment should be with phentolamine; inject a bolus 5 to 15 mg by IV and then initial drips continuously to maintain blood pressure figures at acceptable levels. If the heart rate is elevated exageradeamente (> 150 per minute) or appears in paroxysmal shape tachyarrhythmia by atrial fibrillation propranolol should be administered via IV at the rate of 1 mg/min up to 3 5 mg as total dose. The patient with essential hypertension grade III, necessarily requires several drugs to achieve the desired control. In summary: treatment should be individualized according to age, clinical, hemodynamic conditions and sensitivity to drugs. Methods of prevention stop smoking reduces mortality to half of those who continue to smoke. Controlling hypertension. Reduction of body weight.
Increased physical activity. Controlling diabetes modification of eating habits. The onset may be sudden, as it is the case of acute myocardial infarction or it can be a chronic disorder with increasing loss of the functions of the heart. In turn you can treat a compensated disease where there is normal or Decompensated, activity in which the patient suffers from breathlessness and headaches precordiales, in this case is must repose and receive medications and diuretics. From the nutritional point of view the most important thing is the implementation of a low sodium diet (which There are fewer than 5grs. salt daily).
In coronary heart disease copious and abundant meals should be avoided since they impose an excessive burden to the heart and circulation. At the time of making a selection of foods for these patients should strive to replace salt and there is no abdominal distension, constipation and flatulence. Bibliography: Pathology Roobins 2007 pathology Rubin Cardiology Crisis hypertensive Web Journal Cardiology Goodman Institute and Gilman, pharmacology. National Institute of Cardiology Ignacio Chavez, articles hypertension National Association of cardiologists of Mexico society of Interventional Cardiology of Mexico society national echocardiography of Mexico nutrition hypertension.