This path is closed the simple commercial customers. Result in incorrect terms and conditions clauses for the customers though, that these formulations are actually invalid; but, if the supplier is E.g. a DAX group such as SAP, it is even difficult to hold out the reasoning the one or other clients. Nevertheless, sectors, in which can be found Competitors or associations on allegedly illegal terms with legal tests sensitive passages. They attacked but because the impression that in the software industry rather the passages of the competitor in the own terms and conditions are applied.
Outside the own claim against the SAP is me terms and conditions no case known, in which the terms and conditions of a major software manufacturer attacked are.”explains Axel Susen, Managing Director of susensoftware GmbH. as long as a company applies through clauses in the market, which otherwise would have no chance in the market, he is dominant in the market and is actually subject to special control.” Initiative per AGB law has formed ‘Initiative per AGB law’, to prevent a relaxation. Over 20 associations of SMEs, more than a million businesses employing almost 10 million people represent, require protection from economically superior contract partners. “The existing law is transparent and ensures balanced contractual relationships and avoids Haftungsfallen especially for economical unsuccessful entrepreneurs”confirmed woman Dr. Manja Schreiner, Director of law at the Central Association of the German trade. /a>. BVMW: Judicial control of the small print (Rudiger Eisele, lawyer of the BVMW Federal Office) must remain in a public hearing of the FDP Bundestag Group 17.10, 2012 in the Reichstag, renowned experts disputed over the Pro and Contra of a reform of the law of the general terms and conditions, short terms and conditions law. The expert was also Prof.