Cats are a great wonder of nature but possess an amazing beauty, which immediately generated liking, that’s why the owners of the cats spend so much time with their cats to always preserve the beauty that characterizes them, so to Always keep in good shape the cat that came home and provides company, it’s good to know more about two of the essential parts of the cats, mouth and ears of the cat, because contrary to what many people believe or simply unaware, such as the mouth parts and cat ears play great roles in the daily lives of the cat, so we have to bear in mind that not only people who need care in these areas, the animals in this case, the cat, also require such care and domestic cats are not able to perform the necessary care themselves, their masters must learn more about the characteristics of the mouth and ears of the cat, care and possible diseases that may have to have some symptoms of illness immediately go vet. Starting to speak, with regard to the cat’s mouth.

Should be mentioned that in them is more important than humans because they play with it, move things, defend themselves and of course perform the first phase of the feeding process , so the condition in which you are the cat’s mouth, will greatly influence the state and quality of life, it is worth keeping in mind that smaller breeds more attention should be paid in respect oral health, since they have to eat softer foods, are more inclined to have this plate, cats dental problems, feel pain immediately which will reduce their desire to eat and chew food in a inappropriate manner, which would result in malnutrition and even more serious is the presence of respiratory disease caused by bacteria found in the mouths of cats, in relation to diseases of the mouth area of the cat the most common are periodontal disease, injury neck dental extraction, gingivitis complex – ideally to prevent all these and any other conditions which the latter on the cat’s mouth, is to periodically clean the mouth area, with products ideally designed for cats and you can find pasta, oral solutions and other items, to choose the best you should go to the vet, it’s good to regularly attend to do a cleanup of the cat’s mouth much further. The ears are cat ears that have 32 muscles, which allows great mobility of these, which allow them to hear depending on where they are, which is called directional hearing, ears, besides being part of the whole hearing aid, used largely for communication and expression of their feelings, pay good attention to this area, it usually collects dirt in this area, which will be of great discomfort for the cat, so cleaning should be done with products designed especially for the area, which is very sensitive, because if left to accumulate a lot of dirt in the ears of the cat, action is needed a vet for cleaning… Whenever Dean Ornish M.D listens, a sympathetic response will follow.