In the Age Contemporary we have Edith Stein (translator of workmanships of Are Toms de Aquino and Newman and published ' ' On the State and the Fenomenologia de Husserl' '. One was interested for the feminine question in the philosophical and religious field, publishing ' ' Ethos' ' of the professions of the women. It died in a gas chamber); Zambrano Maria (is part of a group of intellectuals who with pedagogical missions, initiate an experience of popular education. The relation between poetry and philosophy, the myth and the reason, the passion and the intellect, the workmanship and the action, the paper of the intellectuals and the direction of history are its main concerns); Hannah Arendt (initiates a reflection of the events of its time; the politics thinks in a new way and criticizes the philosophical tradition of its time and its contemporaries); Simone de Beauvoir (Representative of the Existencialismo. Its philosophical production travelled for the world debating, with groups politicians and feminists); Simone Weil (Activist radical of the years 70 in the movement politician Black Power- the black panthers. He has debated the concepts of freedom and release, as well as the reflection on the sexismo and racism, to the side of the classroom and the power. Its writings bring a transforming thought for the philosophical reflection in century XX); Susanne Langer (she was a great specialist in philosophy of the art, defends that the work of art as a symbol that articulates the emotional life of the human being); Sarah Kofman (French philosopher with more than 20 books published, on different subjects; studies on the woman in the freudiana psychoanalysis (considered the most complete analysis on the feminine sexuality in Freud), the trajectory of the woman in the philosophy occidental person and studies on Nietzsche) and Julia Kristeva (philosopher Bulgarian-Frenchman. Scholar, is author some books in varied knowledge areas, as art, linguistics, feminism and after-estruturalismo). After all the displayed content, is explicit this vision of ' ' feminino' ' that it was present in the history of the philosophy and continues being a challenge for the women philosophers, therefore exactly after as much fight feminist and evolution in the laws of the society, the woman continues little to be valued inside of the academy, what she even though makes in them to think that the thinkers are almost that inexistent when in the truth they are innumerable. However, she is necessary to have in mind that the boardings on the woman meet in a history of the philosophy that was written by men; but also we do not have to forget that while human being, the woman is endowed with reason, but the full and adjusted use still is private, in great majority, to the masculine being; what it must be moved immediately.