When this will be obtained, the person will be the way of the control of several other manifestations of its organism, and, consequently, to acquire the capacity to keep or to correct its state of health. The beginning of functioning of the Psicostat – SGR is based on the phenomenon of the alterations of the galvanic resistance of the skin, that occur during emotional and/or physiological changes.

In ours in case that, the relaxation and what more it interests. It will be obtained through gradual the mental and muscular training. The Psicostat – SGR indicates for ‘ ‘ bips’ ‘ , of increasing, decreasing or continuous rhythm, the state where we find in them. ‘ ‘ Bips’ ‘ fast mean – physical or mental excitement, corresponding to an increase of fidget, opposition or any physical bother. When, during application, this rhythm decreases, it is a signal of that we are in calming and relaxing. Our target is to diminish the frequency until making with that ‘ ‘ bips’ ‘ they silence.

Nobody must be worried if not obtain this in the first experience. The worried, nervous, uneasy people, can need some sessions of training eventually until they obtain resulted positive. A time having obtained to stop ‘ ‘ bips’ ‘ , in the demons first the great step. After this, she will be necessary only concentrating in them so that the necessary time for the disappearance of the sound is each shorter time. When to arrive at the point in which we will obtain to keep the device in silence per ten or fifteen minutes, for example, this will mean that we got a control of our reactions and, mainly, indispensable a muscular relaxation to the recuperating rest.