For being important part of the process of systematization of the nursing assistance, I organized, in set with learning of a nursing college where lecionei, these disgnostic and lapsing of nursing to just-been born the term (RNT). RECM-NASCIDO the TERM According to World-wide Organization of Health (1961), just-been born (RN) is the child who finished to be born, until 28 day of birth. The RNT are children born in the period that understands of 37 to 41 week and 6 days of gestation. Methods for the classification of the RN are used, can be cited the Dubowitiz, Capurro and Ballard. All include analysis of physical and neurological signals (Segre and Armellini, 1985). They must be applied in first the 24 48 hours of birth of the child. In Brazil, the used method more is of the Colorado, that relates weight and gestacional age (IG), attributing an Adjusted classification in for Idade Gestacional (AIG), Small for Idade Gestacional (PIG) or Great for Gestacional age (GIG).

In accordance with Whaley and Wong (1985), the period of transistion of the hard RN approximately 24 hours, and is the period where the child assumes the functions of the placenta. In this period of training the transformation of the fetal circulation in neonatal circulation occurs (it includes the closing of the oval forame, ducto arterioso and ducto venoso). It cannot be disrespected that, to the rising, it is carried through the section and clampeamento of the umbilical lace. Also it occurs the elimination of the pulmonary fluid (ancillary proceeding for the normal childbirth), and beginning of the action of the surfactante, that was produced by return of 24 week of gestation. It is considered here, also, the aspiration in the childbirth room. The RNT is imperfect a homeotrmico being. In the intrauterina life, the body temperature was regulated for the temperature materna. To the rising, the RN can lose heat for four mechanisms: evaporation, conduction, radiation and convection (Gava and Gomes, 2003).