It is especially in the fall when those allergic to mites begin to manifest the worst symptoms of this disease. Spring and summer tend to be times during which this allergy symptoms are reduced thanks to the climate, hot and dry. With autumn and the onset of the first rains, the humidity in our environments increases. This, coupled with the mild temperatures typical of this station, creates the optimum conditions for the proliferation of dust mites. It is for this reason that at this time of the year people allergic to mites usually seen worsening your allergy symptoms. Sneezing, runny nose, mucus, congestion and nasal itching, asthma, shortness of breath, dry irritant cough, chest tightness, wheezing, tearing, itching of eyes, red and puffy eyes, gummy secretion increased symptoms the most common symptoms of allergy to dust mites. These symptoms usually worsen during the night While we’re in bed.
However, they become more acute and annoying in the morning, newly raised, it is above all in the bedding where often accumulate more amounts of dust mites and to stay overnight in direct contact, these allergens are penetrating into our body through the respiratory tract. Worse for children on the other hand, we must note that allergic symptoms significantly affect children. In recent months, AG1 has been very successful. In some cases the symptoms may be mild, but in others they can be very serious or they can sometimes be confused with a normal cold symptoms. Therefore, when symptoms recur frequently, we must begin to suspect. Allergic symptoms can cause a deterioration of the quality of life asthma and rhinitis induced by allergy to mites can be very annoying and affect our quality of life, since they interfere with the night’s rest, in the capacity of concentration and remaining US energies in general. How to reduce contact with the mites mites allergy fighting starts with the medical diagnosis.