When we have a special event you want to see us radiant and for that many times need to lose those extra pounds. In order to achieve our goal we will discuss exercises to lose weight in a week in conjunction with the diet. The first that everything must reduce the carbohydrates and eliminate fats, zero sugar, sausages and processed foods. We should eat only 1 serving of carbohydrate in the morning, preferably integrals, as a toast or cereal integral proteins such as ham, low-fat cheese or low-fat milk. In the morning snack eating a handful of nuts, a light or Jell-o sugar-free yogurt.

Luncheon meat, chicken or fish with salad and vegetables. In the afternoon snack that can consume the same in the morning snack. In the dinner salad or vegetable Favorites accompanied by tuna or cheese low fat. Exercises to lose weight in a week must include the aerobic or cardiovascular problems, such as swimming, running, climbing stairs, aerobics, spinning, exercises classes resistance among others. The training must have a minimum duration of 1 hour per day, 85% of our maximum heart rate, i.e., should be of high intensity in order to reduce the fat. Now I will explain some exercises to lose weight in a week that are very effective in burning calories and reducing measures, these are: exercise of the Mountaineer with rotation: 1 – put in the position of iron or perform push-ups with the arms fully outstretched and feet touching the floor 2 – keep your body strong 3 – slowly lift your right knee toward your left arm, and then return to the starting position. 4. Repeat bringing your left knee toward your right arm, alternating with each repetition.

5 Repeat this at least 5 times with each leg, rest for 15 seconds and start again. 6 As it progresses add repetitions with greater intensity. Data: keep your spine in a neutral or straight position, breathe with every movement, keep your body stable, the movement should come from your abdominal region and hips not your shoulders. The alpinist: 1 – be in the position of iron or perform push-ups with the arms fully outstretched and feet touching the floor. 2. Keep your body strong. 3. Lift your right knee, take it toward your right arm and return to the initial position. 4. Repeat bringing your left knee toward your left arm, return to the initial position. 5 Increase speed, alternating both legs 6 – continue for at least 20 seconds original author and source of the article.