or: The dream of the sexy six pack. Who wants to move the excess pounds to tackle, does this quite often not of health but for purely aesthetic reasons. Especially when you look at pictures from the youth, often comes the sadness. You can forgo the puberty, but the character was clearly better. So the Germans often complain of the typical problem areas and seek ways here to train the fat away.

Women want a sleeker buttocks and slimmer thighs. Men, on the other hand likes joking that the beer belly was quite expensive and do the famous six-pack secretly dream of a highly erotic washboard belly. Unfortunately, one hears again and again, all sporting efforts with no or only little success to be crowned. Women go five to six times a week jogging without a bit closer to the model figure. Men bravely tackle the abdominal muscles with Crunshes and Sit-Ups. Often with abdominal pain as the only reward.

One reason for the meaningless drudgery is a simple Logic error you easily commits in zeal. Many believe that to move the muscles there / train would have to, where you want to have the fat away. The muscle itself can start anything with the overlying fat. Only an accelerated metabolism is body fat into usable energy snacks, which can then burn the muscles. It will improve the overall turnover of the metabolism, by demanding the muscles. However, the abdominal muscles are a small muscle group to markedly increase total sales. And this is the most important Council of the American stomach muscle guru Mike Geary: “You train not their abdominal muscles”. And as it is with jogging? Buttocks and thighs are the biggest muscles, the man has, however these muscles while jogging are not really required. A fatal mechanism is here just for women. By radical hunger diets in the past, have made back the muscles and are forced to go on the back burner. While jogging, you train the muscles but only on it with minimal energy to operate. Without appropriate muscle mass, only the condition improves. Only solution: build muscle mass and increase the basal metabolic rate. Scientific studies have shown that high intensity muscle training 1-2 increases the basal metabolic rate days after training. While jogging the BMR increased hours after training only 1-2. Whether you now use a State of the art system ala Mike Geary or looking all that goes to a professional fitness trainer, can cause only the success, if one considers the most important of all the rules. The diet! Who thinks he could retain his eating habits thanks to exercise, is also disappointed. You must be running, that food is the fuel and its own metabolism the vehicle that is responsible for a successful weight reduction. When it supplied inferior food metabolism, then this can not work properly. There also no exercise helps. Sugary drinks, unhealthy fats, fast food, u.v.m. That’s a little, as you want a race car with heavy fuel oil. Who wants to lose weight healthy and doing sports, should inform therefore previously intensively. With the proper diet and an effective training approach, it works also with the six pack. Here the list of priorities: how take off with sports: nutrition building muscle mass with highly intense muscle training acceleration of metabolism, specific exercises to the loft of certain parts of the body much success! A. Schumann