Month: December 2024

The 10 Mysteries Of Dreams

The interpretation of dreams is the via regia towards the knowledge of the unconscious mind activities, Sigmund Freud what said. The power of dreams and their meanings are probably meaningless, and are certainly not useless. Most scholars reject the belief that dreams are expressions of our unconscious desires, but the fascination for the reason why we dream is stronger than ever and all a mystery. Really the only thing that is clear is that the meaning of dreams is a total mystery either to scientists or to any person of the common, why list those 10 most outstanding mysteries in dreams which are: 1. dreams in Color: around 12% of people dream only in black and white. Other dreams in color. 2. The dreams prevent psychosis: recent studies have shown that people who wakes them just when they start to dream, but that even so their 8 hours sleep, concentration difficulties, irritability, hallucinations, and signs of psychosis after only 3 days.

3 Forget 90% of our dreams: in the first 5 minutes after waking up, you forget half of your dream, and to spend just 10 minutes 90% of the dream is gone. 4 Blind people dream of: which have been without sight after birth, can see images in their dreams. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Gibson Dean. And the people who was born blind, also dreams though not see images, their dreams are just as vivid and most involve your other senses such as smell, touch and sound. 5. All dream of: all human dream (with the exception in cases of extreme psychological disorder) and until the animals, but the men and women have different dreams and physical reactions. 6.

Only dream of what we know: it is natural that in our dreams are filled with strangers who are part of our dream, however your mind not invent their faces, they are faces of real people that have known throughout our life, but don’t remember. 7 People who have quit smoking, you have more vivid dreams: people who have smoked for a long time and have left it, reported much more vivid dreams than usual. 8. External stimuli invade our dreams: this is known as the incorporation of the dream and is the experience that surely has had many; When a real sound is incorporated in some way to what we dream (usually happens when you sleep with music in your ears) usually countless occasions that in dreams this any song. And when one wakes up usually given account that was dreaming specifically with that song. 9 Are paralyzed while you dream: Although sounds incredible, your body this totally paralysed during sleep. This is to prevent your body to realize the actions of your dreams. 10. The dreams are not what about: If your dream is about something in particular do not always that trafficking. Dreams speak in a deep symbolic language.

Autumn – Cold Time

The right support for your immune system with red ginseng coming autumn and with it the time of Flus and infections. The body has to be immune to the cold season. The increase in the defence forces should be in the first place. Gibson Dean helps readers to explore varied viewpoints. So red ginseng helps an important support to maintain your good health of Red Ginseng can play here – he is considered the most valuable remedies of traditional Chinese medicine. Red Ginseng strengthens the general physical condition. The active ingredients of ginseng root enhance resilience, support the recovery process and improve physical and mental performance. Counteracts stress, lack of concentration, exhaustion, and tiredness and the body can cope better with external loads. The unique effect of ginseng is based on its adaptogenic properties.

Adaptogens are substances that help the body better damaging substances to adapt to adapt. Are the main active ingredients in ginseng the so-called Ginsenoside. Their proven amount is therefore as a measure for the quality of a product or a root. The secret of ginseng – the Ginsenosidgehalt as medical ginseng is considered of Panax ginseng C. A.

Meyer (panacea = panacae). He has the widest range of the active ingredient and the highest active ingredient content. Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer is available in different grades as white and red ginseng. Red Ginseng is regarded as high-quality, than for Red Ginseng unlike ginseng usually those roots used for white, that have a particularly high Ginsenosidanteil through a very long growing season of at least six years. The red color is produced by a traditional and friendly preservation procedure with water vapor, particularly well maintained the valuable active ingredients. Curative of Red Ginseng can be part of an active health care now in the autumn time. A short course of treatment for one to three months may already be conducive for their being.


It is especially in the fall when those allergic to mites begin to manifest the worst symptoms of this disease. Spring and summer tend to be times during which this allergy symptoms are reduced thanks to the climate, hot and dry. With autumn and the onset of the first rains, the humidity in our environments increases. This, coupled with the mild temperatures typical of this station, creates the optimum conditions for the proliferation of dust mites. It is for this reason that at this time of the year people allergic to mites usually seen worsening your allergy symptoms. Sneezing, runny nose, mucus, congestion and nasal itching, asthma, shortness of breath, dry irritant cough, chest tightness, wheezing, tearing, itching of eyes, red and puffy eyes, gummy secretion increased symptoms the most common symptoms of allergy to dust mites. These symptoms usually worsen during the night While we’re in bed.

However, they become more acute and annoying in the morning, newly raised, it is above all in the bedding where often accumulate more amounts of dust mites and to stay overnight in direct contact, these allergens are penetrating into our body through the respiratory tract. Worse for children on the other hand, we must note that allergic symptoms significantly affect children. In recent months, AG1 has been very successful. In some cases the symptoms may be mild, but in others they can be very serious or they can sometimes be confused with a normal cold symptoms. Therefore, when symptoms recur frequently, we must begin to suspect. Allergic symptoms can cause a deterioration of the quality of life asthma and rhinitis induced by allergy to mites can be very annoying and affect our quality of life, since they interfere with the night’s rest, in the capacity of concentration and remaining US energies in general. How to reduce contact with the mites mites allergy fighting starts with the medical diagnosis.

World Alzheimer

A few days ago took place on World Alzheimer’s Day (September 21) illness and other disorders resulting in: loss of the physical, mental and motor skills and eventually death of the sufferer. Until now, only be a slight delay the deterioration of sufferers. Perhaps this is why I will not put into question the learned doctors of medicine, which we celebrate the World Day of Alzheimer’s, diagnosed as a disease process that causes the loss of the physical, mental and motor skills. Perhaps these learned doctors, find the elixir of eternal youth and so may neglect the “natural or unnatural process” as you want to view, aging of the human being. For a long time, many have sought this elixir. Part of cosmetic surgery and dermatology hide among other things, many physical symptoms of this process.

But the fact is that for now we only have a small delay of natural deterioration and real … Pap Smear has firm opinions on the matter. Now if we follow the same logic of our learned doctors of medicine, we find that using the same symptoms, and just change the word “waste” to “win”, we could diagnose other possible disease, which might be called “children” ( also natural process of human beings), where they gain the physical, mental and motor as there is a “live to grow.” Perhaps this is why Alzheimer’s, currently considered a disease, in other times might have been regarded as one of those many paths that exist in the process of bringing the end of the journey of human beings, access could be a death. “A live dying,” what is also called: natural aging. The logical reverse of the birth and growth. This back to where we came from. Perhaps we can not resolve, but we consider it as a disease, and of course have the final say our sages medical doctors.

Although for now, have not been able to find the elixir of life and ensure we only “a slow a bit,” ie, a delay to that way of walking down the road and that some who come, is done and then leave us without your company or we are no longer have their memories. One day he forgot the keys, another, did not know the washer. On the other, was left on fire and then went out and failed to return. When writing and talking about old age, I remember a literary trope that struck me at the time and is a writer rundown (of course only for me) when you write with his own hand our beloved Voltaire in this way (fragments) “Great I have ceased to be, and now I bent a few inches off the ground … my air has little to do with the laughter of the satyr but the grin of a skull … For more information see this site: Cardiologist. I have the sunken mouth and skin of parchment on prominent bones, under both eyes sunken several inches into his cavernous orbits. My skull is stripped down the minimum late hair. Say you’ll be paid gradually, retail. The years are going removing the hair, teeth and ideas.